8:37 ع
8:37 ع
در صفحه Credits عبارت "PYROGODMODE" را تایپ کنید سپس در هنگام بازی از کلیدهای زیر استفاده کنید.
Get This | By Doing This |
Fast Building | LCTRL+LAlt+F |
Fast Training | LCTRL+LAlt+G |
Fast Research | LCTRL+LAlt+U |
Increase Money | LCTRL+LAlt+D |
Increase Food | LCTRL+LAlt+N |
Increase Raw Materials | LCTRL+LAlt+Y |
Increase Population | LCTRL+LAlt+X |
8:35 ع
Cheat | Effect |
give all | All ammo and weapons, including hidden and secret |
give some | all ammo and most weapons, no secret or hidden weapons |
invisible | invisible to enemys |
infammo | infinate ammo |
god mode | god mode |
end level | end level |
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Cheat | Effect |
/nodamage | Disables Damage |
/damage | Enables Damage |
/dizzy | Spinning Sky |
/fuzz | Toggles Cop Radar |
/bridge | Bridge Very Quickly |
/ufo | Replace the Plane with a UFO |
/swap | Swap the El Train with a string of 737s |
/slide | Ambient Cars Have No Friction |
/grav | Half Gravity |
/postal | Horn Fires Mailboxes |
/talkfast | Commentary Plays Fast |
/talkslow | Commentary Plays Slow |
/big | Big People |
/tiny | Tiny People |
/nosmoke | Turn Wheel/Damage Smoke Off |
/smoke | Turn Wheel/Damage Smoke On |
/puck | Player experiences no friction |
Cheat | Effect |
-allcars | All cars available |
-allrace | All races available |
-allcars -allrace | Both all levels and all cars available |
8:34 ع
این هم کدها تقلب بازی Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines به درخواست آقا محمد .
Cheat | Effect |
giftxp # | give # number of xp points |
give item_w_xxxx | give weapon of type xxxx |
give item_a_xxxx | give armor of type xxxx |
god or godmode | enable godmode |
blood # | replace # with the number of points you wish your blood pool to be at. For example "blood 4" sets your blood pool to 4 points. |
impulse 101 | All Weapons & Ammo + Clothing |
vchar_edit_histories 1 | Allows you to give your character a history during character creation, which provides bonuses and penalties to different stats. |
noclip 0/1 | Go through walls. |
notarget 0/1 | Invisible to enemys. |
cmdlist | List of cheats. |
vstats get animalism 5 | ANIMALISM discipline is Max Out |
vstats get auspex 5 | AUSPEX discipline is Max Out |
vstats get celerity 5 | CELERITY discipline is Max Out |
vstats get dementation 5 | DEMENTATION discipline is Max Out |
vstats get dominate 5 | DOMINATE discipline is Max Out |
vstats get fortitude 5 | FORTITUDE discipline is Max Out |
vstats get obfuscate 5 | OBFUSCATE discipline is Max Out |
vstats get potence 5 | POTENCE discipline is Max Out |
vstats get presence 5 | PRESENCE discipline is Max Out |
vstats get protean 5 | PROTEAN discipline is Max Out |
vstats get thaumaturgy 5 | THAUMATURGY discipline is Max Out |
vstats get charisma 5 | CHARISMA skill is Max Out |
vstats get intelligence 5 | INTELLIGENCE skill is Max Out |
vstats get dexterity 5 | DEXTERITY skill is Max Out |
vstats get wits 5 | WITS skill is Max Out |
Blood 500 | Give Extra or Infinite Blood to withstand greater attacks |
give item_g_bloodpack | Gives character a BLOODPACK |
give item_g_bluebloodpack | Gives character a BLUEBLOODPACK |
give item_g_eldervitaepack | Gives character a ELDERVITAEPACK |
cl_showfps 1 | show"s FPS on the top right corner of the screen |
vstats get automatic_soak_successes 10 | Gives permanent +10 stats to EACH SOAK abilities. |
vstats get automatic_str_successes 10 | Gives permanent +10 stats to MELEE and UNARMED abilities. |
item_g_lockpick | Character now has possession of Lockpick. |
money x | changes breast size depending on value of x. |
8:33 ع
Console and Cheat List
Enable Console
Browse to your C:\Documents and Settings\
You may need to enable "view hidden files/folders" under tools in Explorer.
Open EiB.ini in notepad
Search for
change to
search for
change to
save and exit
load game using that profile
now you will have a console if you press the tilde key ~
There are lots of cheats
Cheat Effect
god Godmode
loaded Lots of Ammo
allammo Lots of Ammo
supersquad Gives Your Squad Infinite Health
allweapons Start Level With All Weapons
fly fly around
walk return to normal walking
oldmovie play game in black and white mode
Weapon codes
In the console menu, use one of the following entries with the summon code.
Cheat Effect
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBar Gives BAR
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBazooka Gives Bazooka
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSColt1911_ Gives Colt1911
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1_ Gives M1
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1Carbine Gives M1 Carbine
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSSpringfield Gives Springfield
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSThompson Gives Thompson
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM3A1_ Gives M3A1
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98_ Gives KAR98
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98Sniper Gives K98 with scope
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEMP40_ Gives MP40
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEP38_ Gives P38
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEPanzerfaust Gives Panzerfaust
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDESTG44_ Gives STG44
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42_ Gives FG42
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42Sniper Gives FG42 with scope
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Various Cheats
At the Main Menu, press Shift + Alt + A to enable cheat mode. Now
during gameplay, press any of the following:
Alt + C = All Missions
Alt + K = Free Building, No Resources Required
Alt + X = 100 Popularity and +100 Gold