صفحه اصلی پیام‌رسان پارسی بلاگ پست الکترونیک درباره اوقات شرعی

8:33 ع

Console and Cheat List
Enable Console
Browse to your C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Gearbox Software\Earned In Blood\ folder
You may need to enable "view hidden files/folders" under tools in Explorer.

Open EiB.ini in notepad

Search for

change to

search for

change to

save and exit

load game using that profile

now you will have a console if you press the tilde key ~

There are lots of cheats

Cheat  Effect 
god  Godmode 
loaded  Lots of Ammo 
allammo  Lots of Ammo 
supersquad  Gives Your Squad Infinite Health 
allweapons  Start Level With All Weapons 
fly  fly around 
walk  return to normal walking 
oldmovie  play game in black and white mode 

Weapon codes
In the console menu, use one of the following entries with the summon code.
Cheat  Effect 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBar  Gives BAR 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSBazooka  Gives Bazooka 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSColt1911_  Gives Colt1911 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1_  Gives M1 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM1Carbine  Gives M1 Carbine 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSSpringfield  Gives Springfield 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSThompson  Gives Thompson 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapUSM3A1_  Gives M3A1 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98_  Gives KAR98 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEK98Sniper  Gives K98 with scope 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEMP40_  Gives MP40 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEP38_  Gives P38 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEPanzerfaust  Gives Panzerfaust 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDESTG44_  Gives STG44 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42_  Gives FG42 
gbxInventory.PickupWeapDEFG42Sniper  Gives FG42 with scope 

مشخصات مدیر وبلاگ
جواد توکلی[23]

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